General: (408) 800-6174
Direct: (408) 501-8853 Ext. 3
Chia-Chen Erin Shih began her law practice in Taiwan, where she served as a prosecutor for several years. In preparation for her practice, Erin underwent a two-year training intensive, including a trial practice internship in civil procedure and criminal procedure under the direction and guidance of senior judges and prosecutors.
After completing her two-year training, Erin was placed in charge of criminal investigations and prosecution. This background and intensive training facilitated Erin’s ability to quickly and sharply spot the relevant legal issues in a case. In civil disputes, Erin’s training and experience enabled her to orchestrate legal strategies to effectively mitigate the conflict between the parties in some cases.
In the United States, Erin continued her legal education at U.C. Berkeley School of Law, where she strengthened her legal knowledge, gaining a thorough understanding of the U.S. legal system. At Berkeley, Erin focused in particular on financial analysis and business association courses that deepened her understanding of the commercial field. Upon completing her studies, Erin earned a Master of Law degree, after which she sat for and passed the California Bar Exam.
All of these experiences enable Erin to quickly sense the possible development of a case in different legal systems, particularly in dealing with international issues. Thus, whether in a Silicon Valley setting or in an international commercial setting, Erin’s experience and understanding of commercial legal issues enable her to provide the best legal strategy to achieve the client’s objectives.
Bachelor of Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Master of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
State Bar of California
Taiwan Bar License (inactive)
Taiwan Judicial Exam (Judges/ Prosecutors) (inactive)
Mandarin Chinese
石佳 珍律師在台灣擔任過多年檢察官,開始了她的法律執業。在長達兩年的實習司法官受 訓期間,她在資深法官及檢察官指導下,接受民事及刑事案件調查及審判程序的訓練,分 發後負責刑事案件的偵查及追訴。這些背景有助於她能快速指出案件相關的法律爭點,同 時在涉及民事糾紛的案件類型,能提出有效的法律策略幫助兩造當事人定爭止紛。之後石 佳珍律師到美國柏克萊大學法學院就讀, 加強她的法律知識以及對美國法律制度的瞭解。 在柏克萊法學院就讀期間,她專注在財務分析及公司商事法的學習,加強對商事法領域的 認識。在柏克萊大學法學院取得碩士學位後, 順利通過美國加州的律師考試。綜合這些背 景讓她在案件涉及不同司法系統時,能快速察覺及預測案件可能的發展, 尤其在涉及國際 紛爭時,她因此能提供客戶最好的法律策略,幫助客戶達成他們的需求。